
For their papers to be included in the conference proceedings, the authors of the contributions have to register during the advance period.

The registration fees, with early registration applicable if received before May 17, 2019 are:

Delegates490 Euros
590 Euros
Students300 Euros

350 Euros

They include:

  • Conference proceedings (USB-stick)
  • Attendance at all scientific sessions
  • Coffee breaks and lunches, reception and banquet

ECCOMAS members will have a 5% reduction on the delegates fee.

The Delegates fee will include: Conference proceedings, attendance at all scientific sessions, lunches and coffee breaks, reception and social program / banquet.

The Students fee will include: Conference proceedings, attendance at all scientific sessions, lunches and coffee  breaks, reception and social program / banquet.

Student attendees are required to fax (+49 511 762 5496) or e-mail to the Congress Secretariat a letter from their  Department Head/Chair, stating that the attendee is a full-time student.